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2023 🎉

Brought to you by

KlausIntercomAssembledSupport Driven

Hi friends,
we need your
help. 👋

For the fourth year already, we’re creating the Customer Service Quality Benchmark Report. By taking this survey, you help CX professionals around the world understand what good support actually looks like.

Last year, we had over 4,000 people help us benchmark for the future of CX. Let’s beat that number this year!

  • 100% anonymous
  • Takes 8 minutes
  • What’s in it for me?

We couldn’t do it without you!

As a thank-you, we’ll raffle out some cute Klaus swag and tech to help you do your best work. Just leave your contact info at the end of the survey and you’re automatically entered to the giveaway.

Good luck! 🍀

If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please get in touch — we’re always eager to elevate the conversation surrounding customer support, and the people doing this important work.

Share it with the world